Southern actor-producer Prakash Raj has started shooting for his debut directorial "Naanu Nanna Kanasu", a remake of his Tamil film "Abhiyum Naanum". He says his first directorial venture will not disappoint his fans.
The film is being jointly produced by Prakash Raj's Duet Movies and Media House Studio, which is owned by his friends B. Suresha and his wife Shylaja Nag.
"I have some great friends here like Suresha and his lovely wife Shylaja Nag, cameraman Anant Urs, music director Hamsalekha sir, art director Arun Sagar and they are helping me," Prakash, who is shooting the film in Kodagu, told.
"This film is part of a big journey I have taken in the film industry. I started as a struggling actor with big dreams. This is my first step in directing films and I am sure to get lot of support and encouragement from Kannada film fans. I am making a good film and assure my fans that they will not be disappointed."
Prakash is also acting in the film and he has roped in Ramya, Sihi Kahi Chandru, Rajesh, Neenasam Achyutha, Ramesh Arvind to play important roles.
He says there is nothing wrong in remaking one's own film.
"'Abhiyum Naanum' is my film - I produced it and acted in it. I was involved in every part of making the film including story discussion. I am the producer and actor in the Kannada version too. I am taking the additional responsibility of directing this film.
"I have produced 12 films so far and I consider 'Abhiyum Naanum' as one of my best films which has fetched me many prestigious awards. What is wrong in making such a film in Kannada? My vision will be different and I am trying to convey the emotional attachment in the father-daughter relationship in my own way," he said.
Thursday, December 03, 2009 09:35 IST